Career Yagyas
Udyoga Pashupatam
This can help in finding the right career and in achieving prosperity. Everyone wants to get a good job in life for ensuring a bright career. However, many persons face difficulties in this process due to various factors. Udyoga means job and anyone who wants to procure best jobs can choose Udyoga Pashupatam homam for gaining better prospects. This homam plays a key role finding a right job quickly to earn high income. It also plays a role in removing various types of obstacles in life to attain high positions.
Sarva Karya Siddhi Pashupatha & Yagya
SARVA KARYA SIDDHI PASHUPATHAM YAGYA will be done for 3- 4 hours each day by 2-3 Pundits. Sankalpa: This can help in increased chances for success in all areas of life. Yields desirable results as per your wish.
Ganapati Tarpanam
This can be helpful for depression and at the time of surgery.
Mahaganapati Tarpanam is a ritual involving invocation whereby we offer our happiness to Lord Ganapati. The ritual involves taking a leaf (beatle leaf or any leaf) and making a small pyramid of turmeric on top of it – into which Lord Ganapati is invoked. The pivotal ritual involves offering 444 tarpanams (or water offerings) to this “turmeric” ganapati.
By the end of the ritual the turmeric pyramid gets dissolved with the water offerings yielding a sacred and holy water that can be used for bathing the following day. The leaf from the puja can be preserved for later use (see below).
The sacred scriptures recommend doing this ritual for 40 days i.e. doing the 444 tarpanams every day for 40 days. [While doing it for 40 days has many benefits, it does not mean that we cannot do it as and when we want to. In other words, Guruji recommends doing it as often as our schedule permits and does not force us to follow the 40 day regimen, even though he does admit that its full benefit comes from following the 40 day sankalpam].
After conclusion of the 40 day period, a small homam is recommended into which the 40 dried leaves (from each of the 40 days) are offered. If you are unable to perform the homam for some reason, you can offer the leaves as manure in a forest visualizing that the all the elements of the leaves are being absorbed and recycled by mother nature completely.
Siddhi Ganapati – Achieve new heights in life
The Golden colored Siddhi Ganapati is the representation of self-mastery and achievement. He is also known as “The Accomplished.” He has four hands, in which he holds a posy of flowers, a mango, a stalk of the sugarcane plant, and a battle ax. His trunk is seen to be curled around a sweet sesame ball.
Meaning – The word “Siddhi,” in Sanskrit, means success. Accordingly, Siddhi Ganapati is, as previously stated, regarded as the Lord of success and accomplishment. He blesses his devotees with success in any path they may be on in life. He is also said to be the one who stores the Ashta Siddhis – the 8 universal attainments. His devotees are blessed with the ability to achieve success in all endeavors of life. As per astrology worshipping Siddhi Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to achieve new heights in life.
Vira Ganapati – Achieve bravery and destroy evils in life
Vira Ganapati is the representation of valiance and bravery, and He has 16 arms. He is depicted to have weapons in his 16 arms, such as a goad, a banner, a bow and arrow, a sword, a shield, a goblin, a discus, a large hammer, an ax, a spear, a noose, a mace, a chakra, and a trident. Vira Ganapati is said to destroy evil and ignorance.
Meaning – The term “Vira,” in Sanskrit, means courage. Accordingly, Vira Ganapati is a fearless commander and warrior. He represents the element of fire, or Agni. Worshiping Him can help devotees gain the ability to face and overcome threats and fears and develop the courage to face any challenges. As per astrology worshipping Vira Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to destroy evils, and achieve bravery in life.
Heramba Ganapati – Achieve strength, get rid of fear, weakness
Heramba Ganapati is usually depicted as being white in color, and he is seen to be riding a giant lion as his vehicle. He is the beloved son and appears with 10 hands and 5 heads. His right hand bestows blessings (Abhya Mudra), and his left-hand grants wishes. The rest of the hands hold a mala of beads (Rudraksha), a noose, an ax, a hammer, a broken tusk, a fruit, a Modaka (his favorite sweet), and a garland.
Meaning – The term “Heramba,” in Sanskrit, is actually made up of two separate words. The word “He” is defined as “weakness” or “helplessness.” The word “Ramba” is defined as “protection.” Thus, Heramab Ganapati is known as the protector of the weak and/or helpless. This form of Lord Ganesha holds a protective role of a savior. He annihilates fear and worshiping Him is said to bring confidence to the weak and hope to the poor. His devotees are rid of anxiety, and blessed with skill, knowledge, and conviction. As per astrology worshipping Heramba Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to protect from weakness and helplessness.
Rinamochana Ganapati – To mitigate debts, guilt in life
Rinamochana Ganapati is the form of Lord Ganesha that liberates humanity from worldly bondage and guilt. He is depicted to be wearing red silk clothing. In his 4 hands, he holds a tusk, a rose apple (his favorite fruit), a noose, and a goad.
Meaning – The term “Rina,” in Sanskrit, means “debt.” The term “Mochana,” in Sanskrit, means “relief from.” So, Rinamochana Ganapati is the One who helps devotees mitigate debts – both worldly debts and Karmic ones. He is compassionate and bestows his devotees with the skills to overcome difficulties on the path to success. As per astrology worshipping Rinamochana Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to mitigate debts and guilt in life.
Shakti Ganapati – Achieve power and destroy evil
Shakti Ganapati is a powerful, Tantric worship form of Lord Ganesha. He is depicted as having 4 arms, seated, with one of His Shakti’s on His knee. He is seen holding a Harland, a noose, and goad, and bestowing blessings with the Abhaya Mudra. He is depicted to be of a red-orange hue.
Meaning – The term “Shakti,” in Sanskrit, means “power.” Shakti Ganapati’s consort, Shakti Devi, is seen to be seated on his left lap. She is the one who provides power to all. Shakti Ganapati represents the element of space, or Akash. His devotees gain immense control over the senses and act with focus and accomplish things with ease. Shakti Ganapati is also said to be the destroyer of evil and protector of households. He is the one to bring peace and harmony in the lives of families. As per astrology worshipping Shakti Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to get control and power in life.
Srividya Ganapati – Gain blessings of Kula devata, relief from pitra dosha
There is a lot of importance given to Sri Maha Ganapati Sadhana in Sri Vidya. It is a unique Sadhana that bestows freedom from worldly karmas. Ganapati can annihilate karmas like no other.
Meaning – The Sadhak, after the Sadhana, is able to move further on the path of Sri Vidya Sadhana. They are also relieved of their “Pitra-Dosha” and “Kula-Dosha,” and allows them to gain the blessings of their Kula devata in order to proceed with their Sadhana. This Sadhana is done by first activating the Maha Ganapati Sri Vidya mantra through Tarpana, Yantra Puja, Havan, etc. As per astrology worshipping Shakti Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to get blessings from Kula devata and relief from pitra dosha.
Kshipra Ganapati – Prosperity, knowledge, long and fulfilling life
Kshipra Ganapati is depicted as being Handsome, red in color, and quick to appease and reward his devotees. In his four hands, he holds a goal, a noose, and sprig of Kalpavriksha (which is the wish-fulfilling tree), and a broken tusk. In his trunk, he holds precious jewels in a small pot, symbolizing prosperity.
Meaning – The term “Kshipra,” in Sanskrit, means rapidness and immediacy. He’s regarded as the One who answers prayers and rewards immediately. He is said to be responsive and kind and comes to the aid of his devotees immediately. His devotees are bestowed with knowledge, and a long and fulfilling life. As per astrology worshipping Kshipra Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to get prosperity, knowledge, long and fulfilling life.
Ucchhishta Ganapati – Abundance of blessings, and accomplish success
The blue colored Ucchishta Ganapati is also known as the Lord of Blessed Offerings, and he is also considered the protector and guardian of culture. He has 6 arms, in which he holds a veena, a pomegranate, a japa mala, a blue lotus flower, and a sprig of fresh paddy. On his lap sits his Shakti, his consort.
Meaning – The term “Ucchishta,’ in Sanskrit, means “leftovers” or “remains.” However, in this context, this word has Tantric connotations. He is considered to be a superior aspect of Lord Ganesha. His devotees are believed to receive an abundance of blessings, and the abilities to accomplish success in all endeavors and gain a dominant position in society. As per astrology worshipping Ucchhishta Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to seek abundance of blessings and success.
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I very much appreciate the work your pundits did on my behalf, and I am happy to report that I chose NOT to have a third surgery done, nor to proceed with further invasive medical care that was recommended by my former doctors.....
I highly recommend the Daily Yagya Program. I’ve received excellent results almost immediately. I found a solution to a chronic health complaint and I’m waiting to hear about a new job for which it’s almost guaranteed.....
August 2011
I am very pleased with the results and I thank you very much. In fact, my nephew, this baby a few days is still hospitalized because of an alarming drop of his blood platelets......
September 2010
My heartfelt gratitude to the VedicYagya Center. My husband’s first surgery was very rough, so I ordered Daily Rudrabhishekam Yagyas for him. During the second surgery, you held three days of Ganapathy Tarpanam yagyas for......
It is a great joy to write to you about how my health has improved dramatically since you started the yagnyas!
Your unique program of Daily Yagnyas skillfully performed by your group of Vedic Pundits in India is truly a great blessing beyond words.
I have known Pundit Samavedula for over three years now and each time I’ve asked for help it came fast and sure.
I want to thank you for the help I am receiving from you for the yagyas you are performing. It has really helped with the depression although at times I seem to be very emotional. Until recently I have been unable to function enough to even get anything accomplished.
It was the first time I had taken part in anything like that, and what I remember is this feeling of great tenderness that surrounded me as the yagya progressed. It definitely felt as though a very soft, gentle feeling was entering my life for the very first time......
I want to thank you for the help I am receiving from you for the yagyas you are performing. It has really helped with the depression although at times I seem to be very emotional. Until recently I have been unable to function enough to even get anything accomplished.
I just wish to extend my warmest thanks for facilitating a very special and enlightening day yesterday. It was a wonderful experience, enhanced by the beautiful settings in which you live. I feel very much at peace today......
Thank you very much for your spiritual companionship and wise counselling. It was an honour to meet you and I look forward to the mantras and yagyas......
Thank you for the wonderful 9-day yagyas for Ganesh’s birthday. I know in my heart that all obstacles to my current goals have melted away. I am seeing the evidence already!
I met Pundit Samavedula through a good friend. He gave me a reading and warned me that I had to move my business from where it was located for 14 years. I did not believe him but did it anyway. He helped me with the finding of the new business location and for all of the construction problems, banking problems etc......
Your unique offer of the Daily Yagya Program (DYP) skillfully performed by your big group of Vedic Pundits in India is truly a great blessing beyond words. Often one appreciates the value of something precious only after it is missing......
August 2008
I have been using Yagya services for the past 15 years of my life to address various issues that become too difficult or overwhelming to manage comfortably on my own. I have been working with Pundit C. S. Samavedula for the past 12 of those years. Over these years I have always noticed immediate improvement with the issue within days of the beginning of the yagya performances through Pundit C. S. Samavedula’s services......
Your work to preserve the Vedas is great and admirable. I wish I could continue my small contribution as long as I can.
November 2011
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Vira Ganapati – Achieve bravery and destroy evils in life
Vira Ganapati is the representation of valiance and bravery, and He has 16 arms. He is depicted to have weapons in his 16 arms, such as a goad, a banner, a bow and arrow, a sword, a shield, a goblin, a discus, a large hammer, an ax, a spear, a noose, a mace, a chakra, and a trident. Vira Ganapati is said to destroy evil and ignorance.
Meaning – The term “Vira,” in Sanskrit, means courage. Accordingly, Vira Ganapati is a fearless commander and warrior. He represents the element of fire, or Agni. Worshiping Him can help devotees gain the ability to face and overcome threats and fears and develop the courage to face any challenges. As per astrology worshipping Vira Ganesh in Ganesh Navratri days helps to destroy evils, and achieve bravery in life.