Winter Solstice Yagya – for Freedom, Grace, Peace, Prosperity and Happiness
Earth and Humanity are in the quickening! The quickening refers to accelerated Soul embodiment for humanity: individually and as a species. The third dimension is a world of polarities, extremes, that offers us the contrast to discern between the dark and the light within us. The recognition for each of us is that with the accelerated soul embodiment also comes the purging of the lower frequencies that we label as dark forces and therefore tend to suppress and reject their existence.
We are all liberating these lower frequencies individually, whether conscious of the process or not. The Fire Ceremony or Vedic Yagya is the opportunity to unite collectively and consciously to accelerate the purging process: to literally consume the distorted veneer and volatility of the turbulence of the emotional drama and darkness of the global scene by connecting to the Planetary Logos of Mother Earth, and the dynamic astrological Cosmic vibrations of the Solar, Galactic and Universal energies to serve Mother Earth and Humanity in its Ascension. The Yagya is such a magnificent opportunity for each of us to consciously serve!