Shyamala Navratri Daily Yagyas
These Daily yagyas will be conducted throughout the vibrant Shyamala Navaratri, spanning nine nights across four seasons. These rituals offer protection, blessings, and abundance in prosperity, health, healing, wealth, and overall well-being in personal lives
Sri Chakra Navavarana – Sri Vidya Yagya
Also known as Sri Chakra Navaavrana or Srividya Pooja, this is the special and the highest form of all Poojas to appease the Devi. This involves clearing all 9 enclosures and worshipping all the ‘Shaktis’ at the doors of enclosure and reaching the bindu in the lotus with the 1000 petal form. This is known as Sri Chakra Yantra or Maha Meru Archana
Maha Ling Archana is a unique Vedic ritual to worship lord Siva in the name of “Uma Pardhiveswara Swamy”. It is performed by making 365 Mruthika Siva lingas, also called as Pardhiva lingas, made of well prepared and sanctified clay. All these Siva lingams are arranged in the form of Kailasa prastharam which is a depiction of Siva Kailasam with 11 avaranas and 365 Rudra swaroopas representing each day in the year. Siva Shakti is invoked into each Siva lingam through Vedic mantras during Shodasa Aavarana puja and worshiped with great devotion to seek the blessings of Sri Uma Pardhiveswara Swamy for health, wealth, prosperity, protection from Epidemic and bliss with the ultimate goal of Mukti (enlightenment).
Mahavyasapurvaka Ekadasavara Rudrabhishekam
Abhishekam means bathing ceremony and Rudra means Shiva. As you all know Rudrabhishekam is performed to Lord Shiva. In the trinity, Shiva is said to be the destroyer which means he is the destroy-er of evil, the destroyer of our enemies who are no one else nit our own ego and greed. Shiva there-fore provides prosperity and happiness. Shiva Tattva in short is the innocent divinity present in every-one and everything. To understand Shiva tattva, even Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma do not know the starting and ending of Shiva. No one knows where he comes from and how vast he is. Rudrabhishekam is performed to please the Lord as Lord Shiva is fondly known and termed ” Ab-hisheka Priya ” Meaning, one who is fond of Abhisheka (Ritual of bathing the God). Rudrabhishekam when performed with utmost devotion, creates positive energy and dispels or neutralizes negative energy within our mind or physical body. This is because, Mantra has a physical value and when this Mantra is uttered, it vibrates in different parts of our body and in our mind. Our ancient sages and seers have given or must say bestowed upon us many ways of performing Rudrabhishekam. One simple way called the Panchamrutha Abhishekam uses Five ingredients which are Milk, Honey, Sugar, Curd (Yoghurt) and Ghee (Clarified Butter). Any person or family who gets this Rudrabhishekam performed will not only be able to neutralize the negative energies around them but also obtain prosperity, tranquility in mind and relations, success in career & education and good health
Daily Yantra Deeparchana
Lamps will be placed around the Yantra of Goddess Shyamala to illuminate lives and foster harmony in communities, bringing peace to the world
Surya Namaskaras (sun salutations)
Lord Surya is the giver of Arogyam (health) and Aishvaryam (wealth). So, worshipping him in the early morning sunlight will rejuvenate one’s energy and purify the mind and body. It has also been scientifically proven that being exposed to the early morning sun is beneficial to one’s health. Our priests will perform this Solar Yagya for all participants for good abundance of healing energy. We request you all to participate and be blessed by Lord Sun
Rajashyaamala Japam
Raja Shyamala Devi is has an appetite for negative energy and eats it from the seeker’s body, purifying the seeker. The Soul’s pure energy is then expressed outwardly in the form of speech. She is known as the goddess of learning, knowledge, music, arts and spoken words and for that she is also called Mantrini: the mistress of sacred mantras
Ganapathi Homam
Ganapati or Ganesha, the Lord of Ganas, the elephant-faced God, represents the Supreme power that removes obstacles and ensures success in human endeavors. Ganesha is revered as the son of the Shiva and Parvati and is always honored first in most worship services and rituals. He is worshipped for siddhi, success in undertakings, and buddhi, intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He is also the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and fine arts
Rudra Homam
Rudra means Shiva, the destroyer of all the forces of evil. As the supreme Lord of the universe, he gives inner peace, a sense of accomplishment and all the pleasures of this world. Rudra has control of the nine planets and as such, controls all time and space. Sri Rudra is also the long section of Yajur Veda Samhita. There are eleven Anuvakas or chapters in Sree Rudra and eleven Anuvakas in Chamaka Prashna. Sri Rudra praises Shiva and the Chamaka anuvakas direct our intentions to him.
The first anuvaka of Sri Rudram is a prayer to please the Eshwara and appease his anger with us. The second in the ninth anuvakas contains the various names that attribute its supremacy, its omnipresence, nature, and other aspects. The ten prayers of the anuvaka are then addressed to Eshwara to satisfy the desires and eliminate all obstacles in the sponsor’s life. Finally, in the eleventh anuvaka, the Rudra Ganas are worshiped. The important aspect of all Vedic mantras used for traditional rituals is that their constant repetition invokes cosmic powers to help those suffering under negativity. Therefore, the greater the number of repetitions of the mantra, the greater its effect
Shyamala Archana
Raja Shyamala Devi is has an appetite for negative energy and eats it from the seeker’s body, purifying the seeker. The Soul’s pure energy is then expressed outwardly in the form of speech. She is known as the goddess of learning, knowledge, music, arts and spoken words and for that she is also called Mantrini: the mistress of sacred mantras