Health Yagyas
Mrityunjaya Japam & Homa
Mrityunjaya Japam & Homa will be performed
1. 10,000 Times 11 Days – 2 Pundits – 2hrs a day
2. 1,25,000 Times 44 Days – 2 Pundits – 2hrs a day
Sankalpa: For Longevity, Better health and improving life force with Divine energy.
Nadi Pashupatam Yagyas
This is specially done for improving all the nervous health and for improving the neurological issues or conditions.
This yagya will be done by 2 Pundits at 4hrs a day
Sankalpa: This is specially done for improving all the nervous health and for improving the neurological issues or conditions.
Nidra Pashupatham Yagyas
Nidra Pashupatham Yagyas will be done by 2 Pundits at 4hrs a day.
Sankalpa: To give rest to your mind and give you relaxed & uninterrupted sleep through which your body gains good energy.
Panchakarma Yagyas
Panchakarma Yagyas will be done by 2 Pundits at 4hrs a day.
Sankalpa: For generating positive energy which will facilitate to yield good health and remove any negative forces that are causing health related troubles.
Raja Lakshmi Pashupatham
Rajya Lakshmi Pashupatham Will Be Done By 3 Pundits For 21 Days.
Sankalpa: For curing the cancer & reduce the pain & agony for an ailing person.
Soura Pashupatham Yagyas
Soura Pashupatham Yagyas will be done by 3 Vedic Pundits for 3-4 hours each day for 41 days.
Sankalpa: This is to benefit the performer for fast healing and quick recovery in health matters.
Surya Bhagawan Nama Mantra Japam
Surya Bhagawan Nama Mantra Japam (recitation of Sun God Mantra) will be done for 12 days by 2 pundits.
Sankalpa: For improving health conditions, removing physical ailments and increasing body strength.
Vata Roga Hara Pashupatham
Vata Roga Hara Pashupatham is for healing and recovery – will be done by 2 pundits for 21 days.
Sankalpa: For creating positive energies towards healing and health recovery and to strengthen the disease fighting capability for the body.
Amrita Pashupatam
This can be helpful in preventing premature death. Premature deaths are increasing in large numbers these days due to health issues and other factors.The life expectancy of a normal person is decreasing gradually because of potential threats from the surroundings. Most children and adults face premature death problems which affect the quality of life. There are several ways which are available for preventing them in an effective manner.
Amirta pashupatam homam makes feasible ways for increasing the life span of a person by reducing premature death to a wider extent. This homam is extremely helpful for preventing the premature death problems by addressing exact needs. In fact, one can able to live a healthy life after performing this homam. It also provides methods for minimizing the risks of health disorders to live a healthy life.
Mritasanjivini Mrityunjaya
This can be helpful when one is in a coma, in the I.C.U. or during an emergency. It is said to be beneficial for mental, emotional and physical health and to be a moksha mantra which bestows longevity and immortality.
According to some puranas, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra has been used by many Rishis as well as Sati during the time when Chandra suffered from the curse of Prajapati Daksha. By reciting this mantra, the effect of the curse of Daksha, which could make him die, slowed, and Shiva then took Chandra and placed it upon his head.
This mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva for warding off untimely death. It is also chanted while smearing Vibhuti over various parts of the Body and utilised in Japa or Homa (havan) to get desired results. While its energy protects and guides the initiates a mantra re-links consciousness to its deeper and more abiding nature and repetition of the mantra constitutes Japa, the practice of which develops concentration that leads to a transformation of awareness. Whereas the Gayatri Mantra is meant for purification and spiritual guidance, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is meant for healing rejuvenation and nurturance.
This yagya will be done by 2 Pundits at 4hrs a day
Arogya Pashupatam
This can help all areas of health. It is essential to keep health in a good condition for overcoming potential threats in life. There are many ways which are available for improving health conditions to increase the life span of a person. Nowadays, different types of homams are widely followed for this purpose to obtain optimum results.
Living a healthy life is the ultimate aim of many people as they want to perform their duties without any disturbances. Arogya pashupatam homam is an ideal one for those who want to maintain their health in a perfect condition. This homam plays a significant role in ensuring a healthy life by controlling major disorders.
Mahamrityunjaya Yagya
This can help with general health issues. It can also help to prevent any upcoming health problems and help with Saturn Dasha problems. Literal meaning ‘Conqueror of death’, this miraculous Yagya is very popular in Vedic tradition, for alleviating diseases, physical and emotional disturbances, for ensuring a long and healthy life.
This Yagya is also performed to give more strength to a normally healthy person, who are highly active in a responsible position and cannot afford even slight and minuscule illnesses. This is called the – King of Yagyas – and is meant for avoiding premature death and increasing span of life. This Homam is devoted to Lord Shiva. The Yagya is performed to achieve success over – MRITYU, which means death.
The main point of worship during this Yagya is Lord Shiva. It is a life saving Yagya, creating heavenly positive guard around the person, for whose wellbeing this Yagya is organized. Spectrum of optimistic energies and vibrations cancel out all the pessimistic and wicked forces and save the person from bad luck. It gives long life, harmony, prosperity, success, happiness and endless life. When someone is unwell or wounded, Mahamrityunjaya Yagya is done round the clock to avoid the danger.
Maha Mrityunjaya Yagna procedure is complicated, but highly helpful for faster mending from any kind of sickness & improvement of fitness. Due to its strong remedial power, it helps to heal some never-ending diseases, which are declared incurable by the doctors. The important offerings in Mahamrityunjaya Yagya Vidhi are herb called amrita and durva grass.
Abhishekam means bathing ceremony and Rudra means Shiva. As you all know Rudrabhishekam is performed to Lord Shiva. In the trinity, Shiva is said to be the destroyer which means he is the destroyer of evil, the destroyer of our enemies who are no one else nit our own ego and greed. Shiva therefore provides prosperity and happiness.
Shiva Tattva in short is the innocent divinity present in every-one and everything. To understand Shiva tattva, even Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma do not know the starting and ending of Shiva. No one knows where he comes from and how vast he is. Rudrabhishekam is performed to please the Lord as Lord Shiva is fondly known and termed ” Ab-hisheka Priya ” (meaning, one who is fond of Abhisheka – Ritual of bathing the God).
Rudrabhishekam when performed with utmost devotion, creates positive energy and dispels or neutralizes negative energy within our mind or physical body. This is because, Mantra has a physical value and when this Mantra is uttered, it vibrates in different parts of our body and in our mind. Our ancient sages and seers have given or must say bestowed upon us many ways of performing Rudrabhishekam.
One simple way called the Panchamrutha Abhishekam uses Five ingredients which are Milk, Honey, Sugar, Curd (Yoghurt) and Ghee (Clarified Butter). Any person or family who gets this Rudrabhishekam performed will not only be able to neutralize the negative energies around them but also obtain prosperity, tranquility in mind and relations, success in career & education and good health.
This Abhishekam also helps in developing an optimistic attitude and also gaining self-confidence. It is very beneficial in neutralizing negative Karmas and creating positive Karmas. Vedic Yagya Center and Pundit Samavedula is providing Rudrabhishekam EVERYDAY for 365 days, without a break, for you. It will be performed by a group of Pundits by chanting the Vedic chants Namakam & Chamakam, Mrutyunjaya Mantra chant and the Pancha Sooktas.
Namakam & Chamakam comprise of praising the Lord (Lord Shiva) and putting in front of him the problems of humans and asking him for his blessings. Mrutyunjaya Mantra chant and the Pancha Sooktas. Namakam & Chamakam comprise of praising the Lord (Lord Shiva) and putting in front of him the problems of humans and asking him for his blessings. Since Pundit ji wanted this service to be affordable and available to everyone, Daily Rudrabhishekam is offered at $1 per day, counting up to $365 per year. Kindly avail this offer for the benefit of you and your family.

Surya Namaskarams
Chaturdwara Purassara Surya Namaskarams (Yagya) by 8 Vedic Pundits.
This yagya will help:
- To gain good health
- To prevent unwanted health issues
- Heal and recovery from illness
Bala Tripura Sundari and Indrakshi Yagya
These Yagyas increase self-realization degrees, alleviate anxiety levels, and strengthen participants mental abilities. They open the doors for Moksha (salvation). Indrakshi Yagya is beneficial for gaining wealth and welcoming monetary gains in both personal and business lives. Participating in these Yagyas influences all the Siddhis and brings success in your area of expertise. They also eliminate ignorance and create and maintain positive thoughts and energies.
Dhanvantari Yagya
Dhanteras (Dhana Thrayodashi)
Dhanvantari is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is the presiding Deity for Healing and good health. Dhanvantari Yagya participants will benefit through the rejuvenation of positive energy towards health improvement, enhancement of healing and recovery processes, and gives relief from pains and aches. Helps in enjoying a healthy life.
Sri Sudarshan Yagya
This Yagya ensures strong Divine protection for you from your enemies, evil forces, negativity, and protects you from evil eye and black magic. If you are facing troubles from supernatural and maleficent spirits, then Sri Sudarshan Yagya is the perfect fit for you.
Benefits: For Special Divine Protection in all Areas of Life
Sri Maha Lakshmi Homa/Yagya
1008 Red Lotus Flowers for Monetary gains & Wealth
Participants will benefit through great success, the abundance of wealth, good health, prosperity in business, eradication of poverty and debt, and all desires fulfilled. This Yagya is strongly advised for all at least once every year for better life prospects and leading a successful life for the rest of the year.
Maha Ling Archana
Maha Ling Archana is a unique Vedic ritual to worship lord Siva in the name of “Uma Pardhiveswara Swamy”. It is performed by making 365 (clay) Mruthika Siva lingas also called as Pardhiva lingas made of well prepared and sanctified clay. All these Siva lingams are arranged in the form of Kailasa prastharam which is a depiction of Siva Kailasam with 11 avaranas and 365 Rudra swaroopas representing each day in the year. Siva Shakti is invoked into each Siva lingam thru Vedic mantras during Shodasa Aavarana puja and worshiped with great devotion and bhakti to seek the blessings of Sri Uma Pardhiveswara Swamy for health, wealth, prosperity, protection from Epidemic, Pendamic and bliss with ultimate Mukti (enlightenment).
All Pasupatas – 2 Pundits – 4hrs a day.