Significance of Kamalatmika

The Eleventh is Goddess Sri Kamalathmika. Both are aspects of the Divine Mother and are widely worshiped in their own right apart from the context of the Mahavidyas.

Lakshmi is a very ancient form of the Divine Mother. In Vedic times she was known as Sri. As she appears in the Vedic hymns, Sri represents light, radiance, luster, glory, and prosperity. She is the divine resplendence and power inherent in every deity.

In late Vedic times, in a hymn known as the Srisukta, Sri is identified with Lakshmi, who may originally have been a non-Vedic agricultural goddess. The Srisukta already associates her with the lotus and the elephant. The lotus represents cosmic order, life, and fertility. The universe unfolds like the blossoming of a lotus, and the creation is accordingly vibrant, beautiful, and good. The lotus also represents purity. The plant is rooted deep in the mud, but the exquisitely beautiful flower it produces is untainted. Similarly, water beads up on the lotus leaves and immediately runs off, so the lotus represents serene detachment as well as incorruptibility. Besides purity, the lotus is a symbol of spiritual authority, and the lotus on which Lakshmi-Kamala is seated is in fact a throne. The elephant stands for similar qualities. The water showered from its trunk represents rain, and rain is tied to fertility, growth, well-being, and wealth. The elephant, being the mount of kings, is also a symbol of authority.

To understand this better, we need to keep in mind that there are at least three different views of Lakshmi, depending on the sectarian standpoint of the viewer. Sri is the original Vedic goddess, who by late Vedic times had absorbed and assimilated to herself the probably non-Vedic Lakshmi. So today Lakshmi is a Vedic, or orthodox, aspect of the Divine Mother. In all likelihood, the probably non-Vedic Lakshmi also retained her original standing among her worshipers, and in that form, we know her as the Tantric goddess Kamala. In the aspect in which she is best known and most widely worshiped today; Lakshmi is the consort of Vishnu. 

This helps to explain how Kamala, although overwhelmingly associated with lotuses, which represents purity and authority, can be reconciled with Matangi, who asks us to violate the outward purity laws and to question the authority that imposes them. In the end, spiritual life is about regaining our lost autonomy. Once we have realized our identity with the Divine, through whatever form of practice, we experience our own perfection. Questions of purity and impurity evaporate. To know the reality of divine consciousness in its unconditioned oneness is to become purity itself—the ultimate purity beyond the limitation of thought. Questions of authority likewise evaporate in the experience of absolute oneness, where there is no second. This is the experience of liberation or enlightenment, wherein any imposed authority vanishes in the radiance of divine autonomy (svatantrya).

Lakshmi, or Kamala, is the Divine Mother’s most popular aspect, for she relates to the world of the here and now. Devotees pray to her for good fortune, prosperity, abundance, and well-being—for all the good that life has to offer. There is no harm in this, as long as we wisely ask only for enough and no more. Lakshmi, our Mother, urges us also to pray and strive for the well-being of all our brothers and sisters. Then beyond that she calls us to strive for a higher wealth, the riches of dharma. This dharma includes devotion, kindness, compassion, truthfulness, and all other forms of moral excellence. Virtue is our highest treasure, more precious than gold. It will lead us to seek the still higher knowledge of self-realization that is the ultimate goal of human life.

In conclusion, all the Mahavidyas are states of spiritual awakening that we will experience within our own minds and hearts along the course of our journey back to the Divine. How often we’ve heard it said that God is love. Lakshmi or Kamala represents that love. To be saturated with the presence of Kamala is to become an embodiment of divine love. Then we come to understand her great secret: love is unique and unlike anything else, for the more of it you give, the more of it you have. And with this great secret Kamala offers us a direct path to the Divine.

The Benefit of Maa Kamala in Tantra:

            In tantra sadhna of Dasa maha vidya sadhaks consider Kamala Goddess to give immediate results and it protects the sadhak from all sorts of problems about misfortune, poverty, debt, business failure and childlessness etc. This Sadhna evokes innumerable advantages for all round prosperity, stability, immense wealth and blesses with happy family life. The results are realized instantly after the accomplishment of the Sadhna.
            The aspirant sadhak, having perfected Kamala Mahavidya Sadhana get all Ashtsidhis, after which he progresses spiritually and receives the physical energy or intensity to rescue from all troubles, gets all the desires fulfilled. The deity of wealth “Maha vidya Kamala”, who relieves her Sadhak of debts, poverty, tensions, problems, sins, maladies and danger of untimely death. She bestows upon him sharp intellect, influencing personality, wealth, health, a beautiful spouse, children, property, vehicles, name, fame and respect.

Who is Maa Kamala Mahavidya?

            Goddess Kamala maintains the tenth significant position among all the ten Dasa Mahavidyas. She is seated on a lotus which symbolises purity. Mata Kamala is a pleasing young woman with a radiant complexion, delighting the senses, great intellectual and emotional admiration. Goddess has four hands with lotus flowers in her two hands, and her two remaining hands are in the posture of giving boons and blessings. She has a crown on her head and wears silken apparel. Four elephants as white as the snow of the Himalayas encircle her, carrying vessels of gold in their trunks.
            Kamala is the goddess of prosperity, purity, integrity and generosity. Goddess Kamala is Lord Vishnu’s energy existing in bodily form and accompanies him in all his divine activities. Her sadhana, in reality, is the worship of Shakti (Power) the root cause of the existence of this world. Her devotion gives triumph, great quality, wealth etc. Mata Kamala like Mata Lakshmi is the goddess of fame, fortune, riches, material well-being, fertility and conception of children.

Benefits of Maa Kamala Dasa Mahavidya Puja:

•    Misfortune and miseries
•    Lack of material possessions
•    Business failure
•    Childlessness
•    Disease
•    Poverty
•    Malefic Shukra

Astrological Significance of Maa Kamala Puja

Devi Kamala puja is done for Malefic period of Venus (shukra) or its Mahadasha or Antardasha for which affected individual requires immediate remedy to get relief from the suffering and agony created.
            Persons going through the main and sub period of Venus (Mahadasha and Antardasha) or having malefic or retrograde Venus are suggested to carry out vamtantra Dasa maha vidya Kamala tantra puja. This puja is done to mitigate evil effects of shukra dosha.