Harmony Yagyas

Chandi Homa Vedic Spiritual Center Yagyas
Peace & Protection Chandi Yagya on Full Moon Day – Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024, Chaitra Purnima

Chandi Yagya is a sacred fire ritual dedicated to Goddess Chandi – the fierce and powerful form of Goddess Shakti. She is the primordial energy responsible for creation, sustenance and destruction of this entire cosmos. She is the sum total of the energies of all beings in this universe. Goddess Chandi is an embodiment of power and all the divine forces, who protects you from evil forces and perfects your mind, body and soul.

Goddess Chandi embodies power and all the divine forces who protect you from evil forces and perfect your mind, body, and soul.

This Yagya helps sponsors to receive protection from all kinds of legal issues and gives them the strength to handle the situations with a positive mind. With the grace of the Divine Mother, miracles may also take place. The impossible becomes possible. Therefore, this Homa is strongly recommended.

Chandi Homa Vedic Spiritual Center Yagyas
Chandi Yagya and Homa

Chandi Homa is a sacred fire ritual dedicated to Goddess Chandi – the fierce and powerful form of Goddess Shakti. She is the primordial energy responsible for creation, sustenance and destruction of this entire cosmos. She is the sum total of the energies of all beings in this universe. Goddess Chandi is an embodiment of power and all the divine forces, who protects you from evil forces and perfects your mind, body and soul.

Chandi (Devi Mahatmyam) Parayana/recitation is performed to improve the environment’s energy level and eliminate undesirable elements. The Parayanam or recitation of Devi Mahatmyam, also known as Durga Saptashati, is called Chandi Parayanam. Every person desires lasting happiness sans misery.

Goddess Chandi embodies power and all the divine forces who protect you from evil forces and perfect your mind, body, and soul. Chandi Homa is a sacred fire ritual dedicated to Goddess Chandi – Goddess Shakti’s fierce and powerful form. She is the primordial energy responsible for the creation, sustenance, and destruction of the entire cosmos. She is the sum of the energy of all beings in this universe.

This Homa/Yagya helps sponsors to receive protection from all kinds of legal issues and gives them the strength to handle the situations with a positive mind. With the grace of the Divine Mother, miracles may also take place. The impossible becomes possible. Therefore, this Homa is strongly recommended.

Sowmanasya Pashupatham Yagyas

OWMANASYA PASHUPATHAM YAGYAS will be done by 3-4 Vedic Pundits every day for 2-3 hours per day for 7 days continuously. Sankalpa: For strengthening the relationship between two people (in this case you & Ms. Eva) and bonding you both mentally.

Mitreya Pashupatam

This can help to improve the harmony between friends, colleagues and family members. The Maitreya Upanishad is one of the minor Upanishads of Hinduism Composed in Sanskrit, it is one of the 16 Upanishads that belongs to the Samaveda, is classified as one of the 20 Sannyasa (Renunciation) Upanishads, and is one of the Vedanta Upanishads.

Samarasya Pashupatam

This can help to create a better understanding between two parties. Samarasya Pashupatam homam establishing relationships in life and business. It is essential to maintain good relationships with others in life for achieving goals to a larger extent. Samarasya Pashupatam homam provides methods for creating better understanding between two parties in business to gain better prospects. This will ultimately help for generating high revenues and profits in joint venture business by resolving complex issues.

Kutumba Pashupatham

KUTUMBA PASHUPATHAM will be done by 3-4 Vedic Pundits every day for 2-3 hours per day for 7 days continuously. Sankalpa: For building family unity and increase the harmony among family members and grow strong family bonding.

Samanasya Pashupatham

SAMANASYA PASHUPATHAM will be performed for 41 days by 2 Vedic Pundits. Sankalpa: To create harmony and improve mutual relationship by creating better understanding by blending thoughts in to one and brings people (or friends) to gather. This works on the minds of the two people & strengths the bondage


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