For overall Personal & Professional Success – Full Moon Yagyas

Thursday 23rd, May 2024, Vaisakha Purnima

Monthly Full Moon Yagyas
at 08:00 AM to 01:00 PM (IST), at Yagya Centre, India.
***This program will be broadcasted live @

We at Vydic Yagnya Centre Observe Every full moon and perform these special yagyas to align all the Grahas (Nine planets) and Nakshatras (Moon Constellations) with one’s life to gain the blessings of Guru, unfold the mysteries of life, and direct you in the right direction in life. Pundit Samavedula and Vedic Yagya Center are inviting you all to participate in these upcoming Full Moon Yagyas.

Learn more about Full Moon Yagyas

Beneficial for: Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Protection, Family Harmony, Successful Career, and to balance Planetary Influences in day-to-day life.

This Yagya will be done in a group, and it includes:

NOTE: You can order above Yagyas individually by clicking on corresponding Yayga.

These Yagyas will be effective until the next full moon. All household and business owners can participate in fulfilling their goals and gaining better opportunities in life.

Note: if you want this yagya to be performed Exclusively for you only
plz call at + 1 512 633 7999 or email us at


Your trust is our honor and your happiness is our goal.

Daily Yagyas cover life’s day to day essentials

Participate in daily yagyas every month

Choose a single month Yagya or save with an annual sponsorship for long term benefits:
Rudrabhishekam | Personal & Business | Group Business | Exclusive Business | Group Personal | Exclusive Personal | Rudra & Chandi